Carbon (CO2) iPhone Application

This is a current app Inadepiena is designing for JLAS. This app helps you use environmentally friendly ways of travel.


Inadepiena: Saint Tropez Type

Sice there wasn't much to do the last couple of days. I've created a Letterbrand for Inadepiena with just types I found & photographed in Saint Tropez. Just for fun.


Inadepiena at Nike

This and the coming month I will be working on graphics & layouts for various Nike Western Europe presentations at it's headquarter based in Hilversum.


Spotted: Big M


Inadepiena & The Drawingroom

After a nice meeting with Jiek Weishut, founder and owner of The Drawing Room. Both parties decided to join forces and from now on The Drawing Room will also be representing Inadepiena. Check out the website for some of their work and represented artists.
